Weekly Update
April 17, 2014
“Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.” ~John W. Gardner
Days in Rotation:
Monday, April 21st - Easter Monday - School Closed
Tuesday, April 22nd - Day 4
Wednesday, April 23rd - Day 5
Thursday, April 24th - Day 6
Friday, April 25th - Day 7
Plantation Day Games
On April 14th, the first grade visited Drayton Hall for Plantation Games Day. The students learned colonial games played by children of similar ages in the eighteenth century. The students also learned about the Drayton family and how their life on the plantation differs from life today. Despite a passing shower, all students had a wonderful day. Twenty Porter-Gaud parent volunteers were instrumental to the day’s success as game leaders and group leaders. A big thank you goes out to all of our volunteers and teachers!
Students Buy Plants for the Nature Trail
On Wednesday, Christian Geils, John Miles, Lucas Hay, and Mary Lide Wallace accompanied Mrs. Rutherford to the Roots and Shoots Nursery. These students enjoyed assisting Mrs. Rutherford in her quest for more plants to fill our nature trail. This nursery, located in West Ashley, sells plants that are native to South Carolina. Many of the plants attract birds, butterflies, and bees. A few of the plants that our students chose included brown-eyed susans, woodland sunflowers, smooth asters, bee balms, Indian blankets, and milkweeds. These plants will be added to the nature trail on Earth Day.
First Graders Entertain Bishop Gadsden Residents
On Thursday, our first graders treated many of the residents at Bishop Gadsden to a wonderful musical performance. Under the direction of Jeannie King, our youngest students shined on stage as they sang songs from our rich American musical heritage. The performance included patriotic songs, spirituals, and folk songs. It was evident that our youngest students lifted the spirits of everyone in the room, and it was truly heartwarming to see the audience singing along to these songs that bridge generations. What a wonderful way to begin our Easter holiday!
Marble Celebrations in 5th Grade
Mrs. DeVos’s and Mr. Adams’s homerooms celebrated reaching their marble jar goal with a very special day on Thursday. Students came to school dressed as twins, triplets, and quadruplets to celebrate this milestone. Please visit our Lower School website for pictures of their costumes. What fun!
Easter Egg Hunts
On Thursday, first, second, and third graders enjoyed Easter egg hunts at various locations across campus. They were a joy to watch as they hunted for brightly colored eggs, visited with friends, and shared delicious treats. Spring has truly sprung at Porter-Gaud! We are grateful to all the parents and teachers who made this Easter celebration possible for our students.
- Friday, April 18th - School Closed
- Monday, April 21st - School Closed
- Thursday, April 24th - 4th and 5th Grade field trip to Earth Day movie.
- Monday, April 28th 6:30pm - Lower School Spring Concert
- Friday, May 2nd - Hollingsworth Grant application due. We encourage all interested 4th graders to apply for this exciting arts opportunity.
- Saturday, May 3rd - Save the Date for the PG Girls’ Gathering. RSVP to Jennifer Clair (jclair@portergaud.edu) by April 24th.